31st January 2025
The Bank Holiday for Imbolc/Brigid’s Day is still very new and unexpected. The extra bit of light combined with the sight of snowdrops and a day off to enjoy them is very welcome.
The entire school has been working on the topic of anti bullying. At this week’s staff meeting we were all looking at our existing policy and getting ourselves ready for the new Bí Cinealtas Policy which will be replacing it in the next academic year. The new policy ties in very well with the restorative practice our school uses to deal with conflict. Unfortunately our children will experience people being mean and unkind. Our aim is to help the children feel confident in how to handle someone being unkind. Rang a 1 taught us all about this at this morning’s assembly. The thing that struck me was the piece about being kind. Bí Cinealtas means Be Kind. I think this is a nicer and more positive way of looking at things as opposed to anti bullying. Thankfully we are all for the most part kind and when we’re not we can be kind to ourselves, forgive ourselves and apologise if we need to.
Rang a 3 agus a 4 were in the hall today for their final practice before the peace proms this Saturday. I know the timing of the event is less than ideal, especially with a big rugby match on in the same area and drop off at the same time. We don’t get to pick a time so we’ve had to use Maria’s line from infants, ‘You get what you get and you don’t get upset’. However the sound coming from the hall was so incredible that when a full orchestra and another 1000 children are added to it you are in for a real treat. Hopefully this will make up for the late night.
This year also marked the start of the year of the snake which saw lots of lovely lanterns decorating the classrooms.
Rang a 5s trip to the National Gallery was also an unexpected treat as the Gallery had swapped their Vaughan donations with the Scottish Gallery so there was a new set of Turner paintings to enjoy.
Next week we have our Junior Infant Parent Teacher meetings Thursday and Friday. The Green School committee are asking us to join in their travel challenge. The clothes swap is on Thursday. There are more details in the PA section and in the green school committee section.
Have a lovely long weekend everyone,
Clothes Recycling Event – Thursday 6th February
Join us for a Clothes Recycling Event, organised with the Green Schools committee on Thursday, 6th February, in the school yard. It’s a great opportunity to recycle your gently used clothes and exchange them for new items – all for free! Please bring clean, reusable clothes on Wednesday, 5th February, in a bag with the size clearly labelled. We hope to promote sustainability for our school community!
Lunchbag Feedback Survey
The Parents’ Association (PA) is working with the school on a feedback survey regarding the Lunchbag service. A leaflet with details was sent out this week. Look out for more information from the PA soon..
Movie Night – Coming Soon!
Movie Night! More details on movie night will be shared this week, so keep an eye out for updates. It’s a wonderful way for families to enjoy a fun and relaxing evening together.
Thank you for your ongoing support.
Best regards,
Lorraine and Eimear
Hi everybody dia dhaoibh go léir.
Here is the latest news from green schools
First of all thank you to all the classes for participating In the survey on how we travel to school .
The reason we collected this information is because of the Big Travel Challenge .
This exciting event will take place from February 4th -14th
We will be promoting travel to school in the greenest way possible
Here are some ideas :
Is it possible to take public transport?
Could you park and ride or park and stride?
Invest in wet gear and walk,scoot or cycle?
If you must take the car could you carpool?
What about a walking bus?
Results for the survey will be in the next newsletter.
News brought to you by Emilia ward and Robert D.
Table Tennis @Our Lady`s Hall
Table Tennis is being offered for Childrens and Adults on Mondays from
5:45pm to 7:45 pm and Thursdays from 7 pm to 9pm from September 8th
Tibor`s Table Tennis Club in Our Lady`s Hall ,Mourne Road D12DW68
cost 10 euro for 2 hour lessons .
Coach Tibor, former 3 times National Champion, former National Coach for
Hungary ,National coach Paralympics Ireland , currently coaches in Terenure
College, BBNS, Coláiste Éanna and several other schools locally and is keen to
start up in Ballyroan School TTT.Table Tennis Club Nights.
website : dublin-tabletennis.com
Facebook : Tibor`s Table Tennis
To secure your place, please text your child’s name and class to
Tibor at 085 107 9317 or email tabletennis.ttt@gmail.com for further details.
Table Tennis @Our Lady`s Hall, D12