The School Plan 2016

The School Plan is a written statement of the educational philosophy of the school, its aims and how it proposes to achieve them. It deals with the total curriculum and with the organisation of the school’s resources, including staff, space, facilities, equipment, time and finance.
It includes the school’s policies on a range of administrative and organisational issues. The School Plan is a written resource document which facilitates co-ordinated development within the entire school community.
School development planning is a process in which school policies and plans evolve from the ongoing and developing needs of the school. The principal in consultation and co-operation with the teachers is mainly responsible for initiating, designing and formulating the school plan. Broadly based working groups, involving teachers, members of the board of management and parent association representatives are formed from time to time to deal with specific interests and themes. The board of management ratify the school plan, subject to the approval of the patron in relation to those aspects of the plan which concern the school’s values and ethos.
The School Development Planning process formally began for RMDS in the 2002-2003 school year with a facilitated training day. In 2012, School Self Evaluation (SSE) was introduced as a way to facilitate School Development Planning and to implement the Literacy and Numeracy strategy of 2011. Arising out of this process, we have produced our first School Improvement Plan (SIP) dealing with numeracy. In 2014, a School Improvement Plan focussing on literacy was produced. In 2015, our plan focussed on e-learning. For the 2016-17 school year, ethos will be the focus of this process.
An index of existing policies follows. Policies marked with an * are on the school website. A hard copy is held in the Principal’s office. The School Plan can be accessed by all the staff on the shared network. Copies of individual policies can also be obtained from the secretary. If you require any information which is not here, please contact the school office.
Classroom planning by individual teachers is in accordance with the school plan and the revised national curriculum.
There are four sections in the RMDS school plan:
- Development Section
- Characteristic Spirit/Ethos
- Curricular/Educational
- Organisational
Development Section
- Introduction and Index*
- School Self Evaluation Report (SSE) 2013
- School Improvement plan (SIP) 2013
- Summary of SSE and Action Plan 2013*, 2014*, 2015*
- Curriculum Plan for 2015
- Principal’s priorities for 2015/15
- Staffing and pupil numbers for 2015/2016
- Note re Incidental inspection 2010
- Whole School Evaluation Report (WSE) 2005 *
- Board of Management response to report/Implementation of recommendations
- Archived notes re SDP in RMDS
Characteristic Spirit
- Educate Together Charter*
- Educate Together Guidelines for the operation of Boards of Management and Executive Committees
- Mission Statement and Aims of RMDS
- The School Logo*
- The ethos of RMDS and the multi-denominational concept*
- Guidelines for the organisation of religious instruction in RMDS (2007)*
- School History*
- General Information*
- The Patron*
- The Board of Management*
- The Parents Association*
- Funding*
- Pre-enrolment Policy*/Guidelines for operation
- RMDS School Age Childcare Service*
- Code of Behaviour *
- Anti-Bullying Policy*
- Substance Use policy*
- Religious Education Core Curriculum*
- RSE(Relationships and Sexuality) Policy*
- RMDS Policy on Child Protection*
- Stay Safe (Child Abuse Prevention Programme)*
- Policy on Garda Vetting of all staff, including non teaching staff and volunteers*
- Equal Opportunities
- Statement of Strategy on School Attendance*
- Play Time Policy, Yard Duty and Lunch Time Policy
- Health and Safety at Work*, to include:
- Health and Safety Statement (2015)
- Anti-Harassment / Anti-Bullying Policy for Staff in RMDS (2012)
- RMDS policy on procedure in the event of an assault on a member staff (2012)
- RMDS Policy on Complaints / Allegations against teachers (2012)
- RMDS Policy on parent/teacher communication (2012)
- Critical Incident policy (2012)
- School Council
- Extra Curricular Activities*
- Communication – Newsletters* (see separate file)
- SEN policy*
- Policy on Assessment
- Posts of Responsibility
- Booklists*
- Book Rental
- Policy on Parent /Teacher communication to include:
- Class Meetings
- Parent /teacher meetings
- End of year reports
- Policy regarding written communication requested by parents
- IT Policy incl. Acceptable Use Policy
- Role of Mainstream Resource Teacher
- Homework*
- School Tours / Payment for Tours*
- Links with other Schools (review)
- Policy on non statutory leave
- Policy on Teacher and Staff absence
- Guidelines for substitute teachers
- Implementation of the Croke Park agreement for teachers and SNAs
- RMDS policy on record keeping and contact with other schools
- Curriculum Planning Templates – Long Term, Short Term & Monthly Progress
- Staff Meetings
- Vacations
- Policy on In-Service Training for Staff and Ancillary Staff
- Ancillary Staff duties (review)
- GP Room Rental / Storage
- Time allocation and Introduction to the Curriculum
- Timetables
- Gaeilge
- Policy on Exemption from Irish
- English
- Mathematics
- Visual Arts
- Music
- Drama
- SPHE (Social, Personal and Health Education)
- SESE (Social, Environmental and Scientific Education)
- PE(Physical Education)